Inscription are already open for the Grand Raid, our mythical ultratrail planned starting the 19th of october 2023.
We are now offering you to perfectionnate your trail running competences on the original tracks accompanied by a former winner of the this race.
If you need assistance during the race, we can provide it.
Please contact us for a quote.
Currently there are no restriction valid on Reunion Island which could concern you:
The current conditions for travelers to Reunion Island (in French).
Please use a translation app.
The latest eruption unfortunately ended on 5 October. The good news is that access to the caldera Enclos Fouqué is possible again.
Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles can again be visited for touristic purposes. Follow the links for finding recent Foreign Office informations.
For the end of november 2023 we are planning a roundtrip of some 3 weeks in the north of Madagascar, with lots of moderately difficult hikes.
Please let us know you interest as soon as possible.
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